Welcome to the poignant and thought-provoking collection of black and white drawings featuring endangered animals brought to life by the talented artists at Danielle Latta Running Duck Studio. Through the striking simplicity of monochromatic art, we aim to raise awareness and spark meaningful conversations about the urgent need to protect these vulnerable species.
Red in the Tree Tops, the Black Cockatoo
Back Seat Driver, Koalas
Baby On Board, Koalas
Ball of Love
Bundle Of Joy
Sleepy Moments
As you explore the Endangered Animals Series, prepare to be moved by the powerful visual narrative our artists have created. The stark contrasts and intricate details of black and white drawings evoke a sense of urgency, compassion, and responsibility, urging viewers to consider the impact of their actions on the natural world.
Join us in championing the cause of endangered species through the breathtaking artistry of Danielle Latta’s black and white drawings. Engage in meaningful discussions about conservation, the environment, and our shared responsibility to protect these magnificent creatures. Let their captivating images serve as a constant reminder of the beauty and fragility of the world we inhabit.